Tiny Anchors

Sometimes small tenants can have BIG issues. A national retail tenant leasing less than 5,000 square feet must still address many issues a landlord does not face when negotiating the typical small-shop retail lease. Click to read this article.

Leasing Exit Strategies

How to Say Goodbye. For financial or operational reasons, a tenant may find itself having excess space, or looking to reduce or get out of existing lease obligations. This article explores several options a tenant facing this situation may consider examining. Click to read this article.

Restaurant Leasing

Restaurant Leasing – A Menu of Issues. Restaurant and food service leasing is one of the most complex forms of retail leasing, involving many operational, financial and construction issues. Here’s some food for thought. Click to read this article.

Franchise Leasing

A Franchisor’s Hidden Assets. Although it’s not on the franchisor’s balance sheet, a franchisee’s store lease can be one of the franchisor’s most valuable assets, and a source of liability if not properly handled. Franchisees often lack the resources to negotiate the best lease deal as a tenant, and if the franchisor ever exercises its… Continue reading Franchise Leasing


So you say you’re Subleasing. In this economy, office tenants with excess space frequently consider subleasing as a way to bring in revenue and cut their expenses. Likewise, businesses who need space consider subleasing to get more flexibility on their rental rate and other leasing terms. This article discusses many of the common considerations that… Continue reading Subleasing

Retail Leasing

The Occasional Retailer. Many office buildings have some retail tenants, typically on the ground floor. Whether it’s a small newspaper stand or a full-service restaurant, retail leases present many unique issues. For the building owner, or landlord that occasionally deals with retail tenants, this article discusses many of the issues not found in standard office… Continue reading Retail Leasing